A theme park in Chorley, Lancashire that closed down in 2012. It became an abandoned land for many, many years and many urban explorers wandered around the ground "illegally" and would dart from the security that was on the site. It became such a well known and documented site that anyone who posted information about it amongst the urban exploring community would be mocked and laughed at due to the repetition it caused. As of 2022 it is now a drive in cinema horror movie set. Definitely should get yourself out there if you get the chance.
Urban explorer: Camelot Theme Park - Report 2022
Other explorers: OH NO! NOT CAMELTOE AGAIN! NO!
by LordJenal August 20, 2022
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Any familiar music that plays associated with inevitable death.
Person 1: (Forgets to wind up the music box, so pop goes the weasel plays)
Person 2: the official you're screwed theme.
by Godzilla2019 December 4, 2021
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A song that is mysteriously in one's head upon waking from a night's sleep. Often found to be the "soundtrack" to a dream they were having.
"I woke up this morning singing New York, New York in my head. Must've been my Dream Theme last night."
by That_guy_at_work August 11, 2008
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Most commonly seen in anime, fan theme is portrayed by showing the viewer what they would want to see. For many anime's this is giving the women oversized breasts.
Fan theme is showing the viewer what they want to see; You see Winry in fullmetal alchemist brotherhood and she has large breasts
by mrchi3f117 December 18, 2014
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Look up loud Mexican music on YouTube

Because it’s uncle Edward’s theme song
I listened to the Uncle Edward’s Theme song. I fucking came and peed all over the place.
by Fishnuggets66 November 7, 2023
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When something has so much influence on your day to day life, or influences your thoughts and actions to such a remarkable degree that it almost because a symbol for who you are
Cory: Man you always smell like that good weed
Smiling: Weed be my motha f*ckin theme nigga

Parents: I don't wanna hear anymore of that 'rap music' in my house!
Rebellious Kid: Big L be the theme nigga!
by gra[ham]cracker July 14, 2011
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