when you have 3 people in a group smoking weed.
one of them has the bowl/joint/blunt and a lighter. the person to their left has an exhaler. and the person to their left has a cigarette. you keep passing until the weed's gone.
you can't pass again until the person with the weed is done hitting it.
Mannn don't mess up that smoke nation rotation or someone will smell that shit!
by eazybeezy123z April 20, 2009
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The Dream Blunt Rotation would include Supra (supra saiyan codm nerd/Birthday boy), DreamyBullXXX (man of class) and Playboys ass (tight/Pizza boy)
by kc4office April 17, 2022
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1st use:Used when someone gives you the middle finger.

2nd use: Used when someone denies you something, such as a job, a bite of their yummy sandwich, sex, etc..
1st use:
(Person 1) gives person 2 the finger.


2nd use:
(Person 1) Escuse me sir, may I please have a small bite of your yummy sandwich?

(Person 2) No, buy your own lunch you bloody fool.

(Person 1) Well in that case, you can can take your rancid sandwich and stick up your ass and rotate!!!!
by TheMaleMuteKid May 5, 2005
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Nightmare Blunt Rotation is a game where a group of 3+ people take turns hitting a blunt and passing it between them, until the firework inside ignites and it becomes a game of hot potato before the firework detonates, typically burning/wounding whoever is holding it.
Person 1: "Did you hear that Kyle lost half his face?"
Person 2: "Yeah, he lost Nightmare Blunt Rotation."
Person 1: "Yeah, what a fucking moron."
by ErikaWithaKNotaC August 25, 2023
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1) A phrase used whenever you have nothing better to say or you just want someone's approval for no real reason. To have to work properly, one person must initiate the phrase as shown in the example.
Person 1: 'You know how it is:'
Person 2 (responds): 'The usual morning rotation'
by 323+ December 12, 2003
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The perverted retard decided that it would be a good ideas to search up what a Dubble-sided Inverted Purple Rotating Dildo would be
by PotatoInABox May 30, 2017
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A declaration of entering the final portion of a project.
At the production meeting the costume department reported being down to rotating handjobs, also noting the end was in sight.
by courier289 September 18, 2018
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