The six years of permanent nostalgia you gain before existential realization. This mostly occurs between 4 and 10; though can bleed between and outside years.
Nostalgia is mostly found in non-dynamic music and environments, and their iconic features defined in your childhood.
A famous example of 6-Years' Nostalgia happened between 2008 and 2014, with gen-z of this time frame claiming it to be very different from other times.
by Findloo Chunk December 11, 2022
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Moving or living in a big city and overall learning to be independent,
1: you just moved right? What’s it like?
2: it’s great! I’m really feeling that Big City Nostalgia right now.
by ~Riri_writes~ April 8, 2022
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Angry Video Game Nerd VS. Nostalgia Critic is an 2008 Film directed by James Rolfe that premiere on, The Video would go on to get over 800k views. The video is about The Angry Video Game Nerd clashing with The Nostalgia critic two Youtube Entertainers with similar content styles. The video would include effects. The video would end with The Angry Video game winning the battle.
Person 1: Bro, did you watch Angry Video Game Nerd VS. Nostalgia Critic?

Person 2: No?

Person 1: WATCH IT!
by "The Fiend" Jay Wyatt May 21, 2021
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Living life in nostalgia and refusing to take part in modern day life. Ex. Owning a 360 even though you could have the One, but refuse to purchase in the name of nostalgia.
Wow dude your room looks like the 90’s threw up everywhere.”

“Thanks I have crippling nostalgia!”
by Chrisboi589 October 5, 2020
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A soulless cashgrab banking on the nostalgia of a franchise’s previous installments.
“Those Disney Star Wars movies are basically just nostalgia banking with no real plot.”
by Crazy Train McGraw May 28, 2023
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Nostalgia for a particular product, idea, or era, brought on by someone who did not live in time for that concepts inception.
Person 1: Man, I miss the 90's.

Person 2: Weren't you born in 2002?

Person 1: Yeah, what of it?

Person 2: Man, that psuedo-nostalgia has really got a hold on you.
by rollacethejazzmaster November 8, 2021
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