A lyric in a Aqua's song "Barbie Girl" It is now considered a meme along with ear rape versions of it.

It also means shit is going DOWN sex fucking that kind of good shit.

It also means ur hanky-poo is fucking someone else
Well shot I got some Hanky-Panky TONIGHT!

by WordsAreWeird101 July 15, 2017
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A term used by parents to describe naughty business, on preferably a couch.
"You and that girl arent doing any of that hanky panky bullshit down there while that door is closed. you hear me son?"
by Brian P Wang June 27, 2006
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v, the act of light hearted sex often repeated more than once at a time usually ends with giggles and satisfaction.
i totally just heard somebody having hanky panky time down the hall.
by mr. hanky panky February 4, 2010
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Instead of using a handkerchief, you use the index and middle fingers to blow your nose.
Dude, that guy just leaned over the curb and shot a two-finger hanky!
by airbiscuit November 14, 2008
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The fabric softener sheet used to mask the scent of real skunky marijuana. Primarily used by young teenagers scared by the possibility of their stash being smelt out and found from parents, teachers etc.
"How do you manage to carry an ounce of weed and not get sniffed out?"

"I use an anti-danky hankie"
by chrisco895 December 12, 2015
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when a hanky is used as a turn on during masturbation / sex
or used as a target to ejaculate onto
Woman (unfolding her hanky onto mans stomach while masturbating him)
"Are you going to cum on my hanky baby?"
"Yes..... Ahhh Ahhhhh Ahhhhhchooooo...." (man ejaculates all over womans hanky)


Man "Dude did you just cum on my hanky?"
by My Hanky Cum April 27, 2008
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Uh oh we start sweating. I’m feeling good. Next thing I tell her is hanky panky spanky. She said what. I said hanky panky spanky bitch. She flips over and says do whatever you want daddy.
Damn that girl let me hanky panky spanky her ass last night.
by 3dumbroommates August 29, 2021
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