all girls' private catholic(light) school; grades k-12.
the illest school, with the chillest girls. yeah they got too much money, and live in a bubble, but they can throw it down and got mad style. "conventeers" drive sick cars and can start a dance party anywhere, anytime, so don't be hatin, you can only love em!

universally known as 'the whore house on the hill' by the jealous and ugly.

convent of the sacred heart girls do it better
by not a curran May 20, 2006
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The accepted standard that the tagged side of a towel is for designated nether-regions while the non-tagged side is reserved for the face and hair. This convention is used to avoid cross-contamination and is to be assumed as general practice. Practical in situations where one must use a borrowed or foreign towel.
"I forgot my towel in the shower and had to use my roommates. Hopefully he observes the ass-tag convention."
by Octoclod September 17, 2013
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At work during a shitty time you are part of a cunt nugget convention with VIP tickets and you can’t leave
I’m part of a cunt nugget convention that’s not in Vegas, help me leave
by Cuntnugget convention employee September 23, 2020
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This is one of the most expensive Elementary schools in San Francisco. Whatever the girls say about them being misunderstood is always fake, these girls wouldn't fit in at any regular school because they wouldn't know how to live in a where there are people without money. These girls are also known as the whores on the hill. This is because these girls have enough money to make all of san francisco their own personal playground. You'll never find a convent girl in GOD FORBID non designer cloths, but why shouldn't they be they have the money. They throw big elaborate parties that are not needed at all. Although people put down this school, these girls get into amazing high schools. his just makes the convent girls feel perfect, like they have looks, money, and brains. If you are not tough do not go to this school. GIRLS GET BITCHY they call you names they say your fat, and ur never good enough to be next to the queen bee. if you think that gossip girl is bad, you haven't met a convent girl. These girls will do what they need to to get what they want, they will use you, BUT CONVENT GIRLS WILL ALWAYS END UP ON TOP
OMG did you see what that convent of the sacred heart girls were wearing, if i had that money i'd be looken like her.
by hamlin_burkesforev169 July 1, 2009
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an all girls private catholic high school located in san francisco. full of coke heads, sluts, and girls who think they are hot shit. they drink on the weekends, snort coke, smoke pot, and engage in promiscuous activites. the girls hike up their skirts to walk down fillmore. girls even have competitions to see who can have sex with who first. all in all a very bad high school whose rep is know as the "whore on the hill" and the girls who go there live up to this standard to the tee. i suggest you don't send your daughters there and if you know someone who is there currently have them transfer to a better school such as Sacred Heart Cathedral Prep located a little ways away
"did you go to the dance at convent last night?"
"ya i saw the girl throwing up near the elevator, i heard she snorted coke before hand and then finished off a fifth of jack by herself"

convent of the sacred heart girls do it better.
by juicy77 August 19, 2007
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An NRA convention happens when you get a bunch of people raised in the Midwest with those quavering "machine gun" voices they develop out there, and they're all talking to each other!
Enh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh! Enh-heh-heh-heh-heh-heh!

When my dad, grandpa, stepmom, and aunt are all together, it's an NRA Convention!
by Downvoting Victim May 27, 2011
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