A man shoots a woman and inserts his penis into the bullet wound.
by tony almeda 2 February 12, 2009
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During the show 24 instead of taking a shot every time jack says dammit, everyone I know takes a sip of beer every time they say Jack or Bauer, and 2 drinks for every time they say Jack Bauer
Jack Bauer Power Hour
by Saaahker February 6, 2009
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A fact in a statement that the speaker seemingly pulled out of their ass. The statement is made in a pompous and overconfident manner. Any fact that your American History teacher tells you other than the ones that can be found in your American History Book.
Is said in an hypermasculine Arnold Schwarzenegger Voice
"B-52 Eddie Bauer"
"The B-52 dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki."
"They have always had B-52's..."
"Bought a new Eddie Bauer straight cash"
"If you send a rapist to prison you create a superrapist."
by Average Student March 8, 2008
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The hour of the week that Jack Bauer flex's his muscle and "24" is on the air!
I'll be over at Nick and Teri's for "Bauer Hour" tomorrow night!
or "Bauer Hour" rocked the other night!
by MagnetDude March 13, 2010
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There is no way in describing the size of a Bauer's Penis, its huge, even though a Bauer is a great person everyone rejects a Bauer, fearing they would die from the size.
Hey Ann, yeah I heard dave has a Bauer, no wonder no hits on him, their afraid, well i'm not.
by UrbanMafia October 18, 2023
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Bauer (slang), to be a homosexual or ‘bent’or strange
by Titlicker56 September 24, 2020
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