Tryna go to a party m8?
by Passsssss March 19, 2018
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To pass your virginity on to a person of interest
I’m gonna pass it to her uno
by Shibiu November 13, 2019
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Another way of saying pas the blunt,L,Joint,Bong,Dab,or anything having to do with smoking a legal illegal substance
"John I want a hit pass that shit nigga" "Ok but this shit strong"
by Pass dat shit January 10, 2017
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To look as the opposite gender (or something other than your assigned gender at birth) to non LGBTQ people.
Transgender person: do I pass?
Their friend: of course you do, you look great

by jam101011 March 15, 2022
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another way of saying you hit a lic or are going to hit a lic. (aka rob someone)
can also be used with the word lic to clarify the definition without actually explaining it (ex: “we bouta pass on a lic, you tryna tag along?”)
“did you see chris flexing on his story?” “yeah i’m bouta pass on that foo”

“me and baby hit a lic, passed took off with a safe” -bravo the bagchaser

“i just passed in the field, yes i hit another lic” -austin the pacman
by elmini October 8, 2020
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Those idiots who ride your tail for a few miles on the highway before the passing lane then proceed to pass you and drive 30 mph in front of you.
I would’ve been here faster, but that dang pass-hole slowed me down for at least 15 minutes.
by Lover_thinker_sporty_kid July 26, 2018
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