A small person that is very annoying and loud. They like to tell people that are taller than themselves to grow. They can be a jerk sometimes, and they hate to be around other short people. Sprouts are very annoying and often get in the way of your conversations with your friends.
You- Oh my gosh!! I am so tired!! I want to go home!!
Sprout- You need to shut up!!
You- You need to shut up!!
Sprout- You need to grow!!
You- I'm taller than you!!
by iminfrenchclass March 13, 2018
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When a woman goes down on a unshaven man mane, comes up and kisses the repugnant Y Chromosome individual, and has pubes stuck in between her teeth
AB: "Hey Don, guess what happened to me last night?!"

DB: "What dude?"

AB: "This unruly chick went down on me for 25 minutes and then I realized I didn't trim my man bush until she came up with alfalfa sprouts in her teeth...like floss...gross..."
by Katharsis September 13, 2009
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Something you say after being annoyed/throwing a fit. You can blame it on Sprout, since it's too good.
Jaw Crusher: And we have lost 18 trophies so far- NO FRANK!! Ok Frank, ok Frank, come on come on come on Frank! MMMHH!! I'm just gonna- I'm gonna contain it, you know, you gotta deal with randoms sometimes, you know, you know? It's- it's a Sprout, soo... OK (inhales) ok aah ok... so that wraps that up.
by captaincto January 4, 2022
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When you eat raw sliced brussel sprouts and wash it down with a few cans of Lager. Then pull up the bed sheets to cover your girlfriends head while she is about to go to sleep. That is Brussel Sprout Romance!
I did find it too funny when he offered to give me a brussel sprout romance
by The Smart Ass June 21, 2015
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Two of the very few foods in the world that are actually good for you.
While it is indeed true that bean sprouts and tofu are really yucky-tasting and never seem to fill you up, they are literally one of the few edibles on Earth that you can actually eat without guilt (or weight-gain!). There's a simple rule of thumb when choosing what foods to stuff yer face with --- if it TASTES GOOD, it's not GOOD FOR YOU... plain and simple. But you already knew that. Pass the burgers and fries, please!
by QuacksO September 5, 2019
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a term that is usually miscommunicated when hearing the wordcole sprouse”. he is father.
“who’s cold sprouts?”

“no britany it’s COLE SPROUSE!”
by spilling the tea April 16, 2019
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