Acronym - Stupid Old Dog
1. silly or foolish person
2. bastard, or reckless
"I told that dumb SOD to keep the f*** away from me!"
"Just got conned again, you SOD"
by Le'Mon April 16, 2019
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Short for a video game called state of decay.
Hey you trynna hop on some sod?
by Humbleness14 July 25, 2018
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Mostly used by the English when they want to call people cheeky bastards but there too intoxicated (or in general they just say that because people just can't understand there accent & it's the only thing they will understand!!) to use pronunciation or any more words so they call you "Ya cheeky Sod" before throwing down there glass for another beer.
1."aaahhhhhh yaaa Cheeky Sod"

2."Sod right off"
by Aussie_Girl03 February 7, 2016
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A boring person who’s always trying to take the fun out of everything
Ok, quit that you miserable sod!
by MT47 June 29, 2020
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An insulting way to refer to someone who has angered or annoyed you.
by MarcusPorciusCato July 1, 2023
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In British English, an insult for a person, especially a man, who is unpleasant or annoying.
by MarcusPorciusCato June 26, 2023
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Chiefly British, short for sodomy or sodomist. Similar to "bugger" or "buggery", which refers to anal sex. Calling someone an old sod or an old bugger, suggests that he is a homosexual. Can also replace "fuck" as in "sod off" or "bugger off".
"Sod off, you old bugger!" or "You silly sod."
by bsuthe November 27, 2022
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