a term created by the SVL co. to describe a person who is overweight; a person who hoggs something (mainly food)
zeke leone is a fatty foo foo because he ate my lunch
by sara jordan smith June 17, 2008
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Foo Foo Juice is the figurative drink consumed by someone who says something crazy, unpopular or just utterly stupid.
"Yo did you hear Frankie say Logic is better than Drake"
"Holy shit. That nigga must be off the Foo Foo Juice"
by papajones78 January 10, 2020
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Commonly used phrase for a drink (generally an alchoholic beverage) that is seen as not too terribly masculine.
Pete asked me to order the mudslide because he didn't want to be seen ordering the foo foo drink. Later on, mixing the mudslide with all of the tequila he had that evening turned out to be a bad idea....
by DominoFrost February 1, 2011
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(syn foo foo dust, fu fu dust, fu-fu dust)
A non-existant magical dust, used as a metaphor for whatever the hell it is that keeps desireable men in relationships with apprently undesirable women. Probably derived from foo foo or fu fu (the two are synonymous by synecdoche), though the nonsensical nature of the term probably implies that the term could have easily arisen "a tempore."
"Dude, Ben has been dating her for a long time but she is totally lame."

"Yeah, he's totally doped up on her foo-foo dust"
by cosmo July 20, 2004
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A foo is a person that uses their foolish actions to come across as overwhelmingly cute.
Do you know a girl that has the power to put the biggest smile on your face anytime words come out of her mouth? Yep, that girl be a foo.
by SkurtSkurt May 12, 2014
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When a male removes his cock from his pants and walks up to an unsuspecting female and thumps her on the head. If you aren't packing enough meat the thump will not be as effective.
My wife was sitting on the sofa the other day and I walked up and gave her the bunny foo foo before she could look up from her computer.
by snoboybil January 21, 2011
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