"Crowbar" Is not a very sensible word. A crowbar has nothing to do with crows or bars. It should have been called coconut 56, Because that's something a sensible person can understand.

Grommets say 156 skull. Swood people say Coconut 56
by Koopinator September 7, 2016
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a weapon used by an ape that can win wars and the hearts of the ladies.
his coconut gun, can fire in spurts! if he shoots ya, it's gonna hurt! UNGH! D.K.! DONKEY KONG!
by the nhir July 2, 2017
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An island where you get one coconut for one sloppy toppy
Coconut man: "Welcome To Coconut Island! If you're hungry, you're going to have to throat my cock for one coconut"
No Coconut man: "Now this just seems really unfair..."
by FourElemental May 13, 2021
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Someone whose head is empty except for the nut milk inside. Their only interest is sex/giving head or it's their only skill.
People who only use their head to store nut milk and don't use their brain are coconut heads.
by Zornlover234567 May 19, 2021
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The absolute greatest thing to have come from Nintendo. Also, a way to rickroll your friends when you have standards.
You just got coconut malled. Share this with your friends to totally coconut mall them.
by 1oftheBOYS February 12, 2021
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The scariest animal in the world. Holy shit.

Thought to be responsible for eating Amelia Earhart. Yes.
Coconut crabs will eat you. Watch out.
by sin_duda October 28, 2009
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When a guy comes in a girl's mouth and she spits it back into his face.
Trevor came over last night and we went at it for hours. I gave him a taste of his own medicine at the end -- he got one hell of a coconut explosion!
by minutehandz February 25, 2011
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