This phrase originated when my daughter an I saw the movie Hancock starring Will Smith. The movie is progressing nicely, and inspiring great laughs, when all-of-a-sudden like, the movie goes sideways and there's Egyptian gods and dichotomous entities and other crazy crap.

Thus was coined, the phrase, "...pulled a Hancock"

Which essentially means that everything was great until the writers and/or directors went bat-crap-crazy and sent the story sideways into ludicrous land.
The point in the movie Hancock when Charlize Theron is suddenly some kind of Egyptian god bound to Hancock - this is the point when the story "pulled a Hancock" - and sends him flying out the house (flying as in flung, not of his own volition).
by ThePhyxr January 3, 2012
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V. To jump at a whole new level.

Adj. A phrase used to describe when one jumps at a monstrous height.

Interj. An expression used when one is very impressed.
1. "Bro, I'm 'bout to hop like Hancock."

2. "Bro, he's got hops like Hancock."

3. "Holly hops like Hancock, bro!"
by it's kind of obvious February 19, 2012
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1) An entrance or appearance that usually results in the damage or destruction of nearby scenery.

2) An intrusion on a conversation that completely kills it and creates an atmosphere of awkwardness.

Comes from the movie Hancock, where the main character, a superhero, made most of his entrances in the first half of the movie by slamming down on the ground from a high altitude, damaging the pavement and nearby property.
By accidentally driving her car into the convenience store, the old lady did a textbook Hancock Entrance

A Hancock Entrance in conversation
Guy 1: Dude, did you see the baseball game yesterday?

Guy 2: Yeah! It was total bullshit. The shortstop missed the ball to make the last out!

Guy 1: I saw that. The thing went right between his legs

Guy 3: Your mom's thing went right between his legs!
by uninspired username July 29, 2008
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When you sign your name while high. The h is silent. Not to be confused with legendary keyboardist Herbie Hancock.
That's a herby hancock you got there, I can barely read it.
by TopRightCorner October 2, 2017
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a chemistry teacher who beats kids for getting answers wrong
i have shelley hancock for science

careful she might rip ur cock off
by andrew_tate September 21, 2023
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An alternative term for a cornish pikey
hey, look at that girl stealing road signs! Dirty rebekah Hancock!
by lepriconor August 20, 2011
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To achieve vastly beyond one's abilities; seemingly without logical explanation.

Named after Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK, who has managed to achieve high office without any discernible talent, an alleged long-term affair with someone way out of his league, and an ally in the Prime Minister despite being woefully unprepared for a pandemic that led to a tragically high mortality rate.
"There's no chance I won't be arrested after committing all of these crimes. To get out of this, I need to pull a Hancock."

"I just got promoted three times in one day despite sexually harassing a colleague. I must have pulled a Hancock."

"The Government knighted me even though I'm being investigated for fraud. Is it because I'm a Tory donor or did I just pull a Hancock?"
by BroJayDee June 26, 2021
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