a character in DC comics who people think is cool, but in all reality it a total fag.
superman is the gayest thing since gay came to Gay Town
by atarah September 8, 2005
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You start off doing the girl from behind. Then right as she's about to get off you jerk her head around 180 degrees so her spinal cord rips and she's paralized like Christopher Reeves (aka Superman).
by Christopher Reeves Jr December 2, 2007
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when you and your buddys are hittin a jay and that shit is burning your fingertips...put that shit up to you lips and inhale that bitch and swallow it. you've just supermaned the blunt.
"Yo Justin just burned his tongue trying to superman that blunt roach!"

"the jay is almost out, what should i do with it?" "SUPERMAN DAT HOE"
by supermandathoe September 29, 2007
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When a girl finds the man of her dreams..her superman.
I love him hes like my superman!!
by saundra December 17, 2006
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a guy who pretnds to be a superman but is really a paedofile
cum here i am superman i will save you
by Muzi May 3, 2005
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lady1: hahahaha look at that crazy guy he wore his underwear outside!!!!;))))))

lady2 : hahahahaha just like superman :))))))))))))
by the crazy man...!! November 3, 2011
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When a boy or man wakes up with a morning wood and leans with one hand on the wall in a slanted position, while the other hand is holding his dick, in order to pee.
"I had to pee so bad this morning but I couldn't force it down.", "Why didn't you just do the superman?"
by Atro Xis October 29, 2007
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