Achieving the impossible, despite insurmountable odds. Also used to describe the high one feels after having done the impossible; like selling a friend on the concept of translated Croatian Poetry.
"Dude, we got pulled over, the cop gave me a speeding ticket, and I was two hours late to the fashion awards. But I still managed to hook up with Elle McPherson."

"Total Croatian Poetry Night."
by crowgod December 3, 2007
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A man who uses cyber poetry to fight crime and/or communists. Cyber Poetry Men often use useless disguises. Many were exterminated in the holocaust.

It is also a slang term for web-design teachers at Griffith University.


Look, a Cyber Poetry man is holding off the red terror!

That Cyber Poetry Man was born to be the Perfect American.

Whatcha gonna do, go all Cyber Poetry Man on my ass?
by Alex Walton May 8, 2006
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Urinating in a toilet.

Person A: Whenever I need to pee lately, the feeling doesnt start to build up gradually any more. One moment I don't need to pee, next moment I do.
Person B: That's really beautiful. You should write poetry.
"Where is (person)?"
"She is in the bathroom, writing poetry."
by A Poet August 30, 2008
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So basically it’s when someone reads poetry but they also are drinking champagne so it’s champagne poetry
Hey would u be down to read some champagne poetry with me
by MikeandFlight September 4, 2021
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The art of making pictures and or words out of semen that has been ejaculated on a level surface.
"Dude, I just made some really fancy cum stain poetry on my wall"
"Wow pretty cool, send me a picture"
by FanBlad;''e&%$#666 January 10, 2018
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The corniest bit of horseshit ever recorded. Although intended to conjure up emotions such as pride, self-worth and a sense that you can change the world and all you've got to do is write some 3rd grade level smoking pile of crap about hookers, crackheads and welfare checks. In any person who truly "keeps it real", all it does in create a superiority complex over the asshole thats on stage rhyming, closing his eyes and jiving his or her hands just like the asshole who just left the stage (aka, sociopathic behavior. Or used car salesman tactics if you like. How could this guy not be sincere, don't you see the raw emotion in his wincing brow and clinched fist?). Also gives you an inkling to change the channel out of sheer embarrassment.
Typical ass: Did you watch the Def Poetry Jam last night?

Guy who's afraid to seem unhip to a typical yuppy: Yeah, it was great!
by Todd Hilliard February 7, 2009
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The dark and twisted limericks, haikus, free verse, cinquain, ballads, and kids poems that can be found after hours of searching the far reaches of the internet.
Kent - "Hey Dave, I found some Deep Space Internet Poetry."
Dave - "Lets have a listen."
Kent - "Roses are red,

Violets are red,

Everything is red,

I like the smell of blood."
Dave - "Good one! I enjoyed the alliteration."
by BSNPmP November 19, 2011
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