After you've given a dirty woman a good old fingering and what not. waking up in the morning to find that your hands stink of sea fish.
Denim: "fukin hell, my hands stick of kipper"
Neil: "some would say you have kipper mits"
by simowazere September 11, 2008
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A Japanese sexual fetish in which a woman gets fisted both vaginally and anally. Usually there is no sexual climax involved.
I hear Mr. Takanaka and his wife have quite a sex life.

Yes, I hear they 've even been practicing hiroshima oven mit.
by JpMan1955 May 16, 2016
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internet slang for something that appears to be there but turns out it isn't.
j.j. abrams monster in cloverfield seems to be a lefty's catcher mit.
by lameboymatt January 18, 2008
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The German for Blackforest Gateaux, A confection that my German teacher is obsessed with!!!
"Herr Ober! noch ein Stück Schwarzwelderkirschtorte mit Sahne, bitte!!!"

by KingPsymon July 4, 2008
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A nice juicy bun with some jew blood and bee sperm
I really love Marmeladenbrot mit Honig
by GZUZ, ENE, SPIET November 2, 2022
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German definition of a real idiot. Literally 'an ass with ears'.
Photomontage artist John Heartfield represented it as a well filled pair of men's trousers, seen from the rear, with huge human ears attached, one on either side.
by squeam August 16, 2007
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An unannounced but deliberate strategy in a presidential campaign, notably that of Republican candidate Mitt Romney, to stay in the background raising money and seeking endorsements, while avoiding engagement with the voters.
Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is, currently, pursuing a Mitness Protection Program.
by neurophius August 4, 2011
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