Nhat Lam is a vietnamese name for a very sexy girl. It is very cool and crazy. But remember: If you're a nerd or a looser,you have no chance, and she will sqash you with her extraordinary big boobs.
Person 1:,,Wanna be my girlfriend?''
Nhat Lam:,,Are you good in Maths?"
Person 1:,,Yes I am! I have written an A- last week!"
Nhat Lam:,,What a looser! Just an A-!"
Person 1: dead
Person 2:,,Oh wow!What a powerful woman!I want to be like her!''
by Anananasx January 4, 2017
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a yummy type of spicy CHinese indie kebab
normally made from the ground up mEAt of variuos animals
which includes,cats,horses,roadkill,smelly ppl,chavs,skanks,scallies,pikies,stinky tramps who sell the bigissue,and tight ppl who ask u for a spare fag,&
Eaten by the ppl of manchester normally after a nite out at 5th ave or jillys
lets go for a winnie lam tonite?
fancy a winie lam tonight with ketchup and mayo?
how much is a winnie lam and chips in here matey?
by sirguy August 14, 2006
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Stands for 'Logo Appreciation Misunderstanding'.

A word one would use as an excuse to complement or comment on the front logo of a t-shirt of a female if he (or she) is caught looking or staring at her boobs.

Also people could say that to accuse others for blaming them for looking at their boobs when they were looking at the boobs or were not looking at the boobs.

Other words may be El Aye Em, Lammin', or Fuckin' Lamz.
What are you looking at?

Huh? Ohh I was just looking at your cool ass shirt. Why?

Ohh ok. Just had a LAM.
by FaceBRICK112 November 14, 2010
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The guy who is talking about Crack as I'm typing this, smacking his hands and pretending he is smoking a joint...hes still pretending to smoke....still.....stilll....now he is talking about butts and boobies. Now he is talking about him drinking when he was like, 8. I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!
R.I.P Derrick Lam 1:05Pm 4/18/2005.
by Lunerfox April 19, 2005
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A cambodian kid that lives in Washington who discriminates against his own race.
Person 1: Do you know David Lam?
Person 2: Oh that loser? Doesn't he make fun of his own race?
by Terry Wrists May 28, 2009
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Wai Lam's are the most magnificent, divine and breathtaking beings to have ever wandered the earth. If you are blessed with a Wai Lam in your life, you should consider yourself very lucky.
"I wouldn't have been able to do this without Wai Lam!" - Barack Obama
by vuudi November 23, 2021
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Normally used to measure walls

the best teacher in ofs
her favourite student is Bettina Vicentini
we use 15 miss lam s to measure a wall
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