A person who likes to be alone,but also can be sociable. Lots of introverts are quiet or shy people. :)
by Thebiggestintrovetever November 23, 2021
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A person who doesn't like being outside of their home socializing with others, and in general not having a very good social life, is often embarrassed in social situations and finding themselves to despise the outside world of socialization and can sometimes find their thoughts to be their best friends.
"Sometimes I think he's an introvert."
"I'm an introvert"
by Blade's Definitions November 9, 2022
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An introvert is someone who tends to keep to themselves and doesn’t really like to socialize. They’re usually very nice and sweet when you first meet them and as you begin to become closer, she/he/they will begin to show a more crazy or deep side of themselves. This is different than a Tsundere, where a tsundere has a harder outsaud but shows that he/she/they are softer inside.
That girl over there is such an introvert.”
by Jimmi December 31, 2021
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Dudes named Evan who don’t go out in the snow and grind valorant during 12 degree weather
by Ko’d by your grandma February 5, 2021
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For some odd reason I cannot bring my mind to do Mathematics. I’m an INTJ and my mind keeps blowing out those two functions. It’s involuntarily/subconsciously trying to block out the information that I am learning. Very frustrating.

Jews, you got any help? I’m on ADHD medication and it works only a little It’s almost like I have a mental block. I think I need my Klonopin back?
My mind keeps ignoring Introverted Thinking and Extraverted Intuition
by Death Menace April 10, 2022
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How the hell do i make it so that it doesn't decline like just let me submit it idiot.
Also i forced myself to go outside bc the cleaner is vibing, i am introverted.
by Mommymilkers12321 May 3, 2021
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Someone that isn't openly the introvert they really are. Someone that comes across as bold to people that don't know them well, and mouthy to people that knew them growing up.
The introvert seemed like a bold extrovert to people that didn't know her well growing up, that was certainly her image with them, and because she benefitted from it in many ways, she wasn't going to tell anyone that didn't know her well from growing up around her that she wasn't actually an extrovert at all, she was a closet introvert.
by The Original Agahnim September 17, 2021
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