A.K.A Anders Behring Breivik the white supremacist who killed 77 young white teens.

He changed his name because Hitler told him.
Gas some fjotolf hansen
by TheRickerd120 June 9, 2017
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This girl Sam Hansen is someone like no other. All she does is hit straight up clingers over the fence. However she’s still the best big dawwwg.
All Sam hansen does is hit clingers.
by Tooties April 23, 2019
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the most prettiest, strongest, cutest, and kindest girl u will ever met. This girl has the best personality and the best smile ever. Jessica Hansen is everyone’s dream girl and if this girl is yours, then you are one of the luckiest person in this planet earth.
My beautiful, Beautiful Jessica Hansen

i love you, you will always be mine and i wont ever let you go.
by Vinley November 24, 2021
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A United States Marine Corps base in Okinawa, Japan that’s run entirely by Lance Corporals. There is a hellhole known as Kintown right outside of base, where Marines go to get absolutely shitfaced, stumbling back on base. Many Marines have some legendary stories of all the “hood rat” shit they’ve done while stationed here.
I would have extended out here, but I probably would have gotten arrested had I stayed at Camp Hansen.
by Bfrank240 July 13, 2019
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Coke, a handful of pineapple and a shot of rye

Aka an awesome drink created by Alex Turner and Joel Hansen
Dude im making Joel Hansens tonight!
The Joel Hansen is an awesome drink
by rather_dashing January 17, 2011
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