fff means "finger free february" and are meant for girls.
-you can say that its the girl version of nnn (no nut november)
Girl 1: Are you gonna participate in FFF?!

Girl 2: What’s that??

Girl 1: It’s Finger Free February! In this challange girls/women CANNOT masturbate for the whole month of february.

Girl 2: hell no I'm not even gonna try that challenge.
by Stan now united November 4, 2019
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Short for Forget Fortnite February

FFF A.K.A 3F is a challenge for everybody. You must not play Fortnite during the entire month of February. Even if there's a new season and you want to be one of the first to play it. If you open Fortnite, you lose the challenge. If your friend asks if you wanna play Fortnite, explain FFF to them. If they're already on, It's too late for them.
Ben: Hey you down for some squads with me and the boys in Fortnite?
Chad: Sorry, it's FFF, 3F, whatever you want to call it.
Ben: What's that?
Chad: Forget Fortnite February. You can't play Fortnite during the entire month of February. I would play any other month.

Ben: Well I'm already on but I haven't begun a match. Am I still out?
Chad: You're out...
by LunatikFox December 19, 2019
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fat funny friend, usually a plus-size friend who feels the only reason they have friends is to make their skinny counterparts feel good about themselves
by unsubscribe to t -series March 7, 2022
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The act of being a Funky Flickr Finesser
Person 1: Did you get that Funky Flickr stuff bro
Person 2: Of course, for the FFF
by yungaladdin April 30, 2019
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