the most wholesome girl in the whole universe. everyone loves her and appreciates her so much, more than she will ever know. she has the best humor and beautiful voice. she is a city gal (new york)
Daniella is so cool and fast !!
by moneygenerator July 3, 2023
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A very caring, loyal and loving female. She sticks with one guy and won’t leave him. A Daniella is an amazing girl to talk to about problems because she will stay and listen, she also gives amazing advice. Daniella’s are very beautiful woman who any guy will love
Go talk to daniella about it, she gives good advice
by the weird dictionary boy October 21, 2021
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Daniellas always have huge teeth and boobs. Daniellas have a huge heart but you get annoyed when in the Same room. They are smart and over loving. You can spot a dnaiella a mile away. You can hear their voice playing back in your head when you are not with them. Daniella has a huge ego however her friends talk a lot of crap behind her back about how annoying she is. Daniellas are extremely Italian.
Have you kissed your cousin yet? Daniellas are all over your boyfriends
by Toofpick32324 December 29, 2020
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Daniella is a very talented, flexible, and has dated a boy who has put her down a few times. She can sometimes be a little

(pissy). She is also friends with, (Kienna K, Vanessa D, Sinet Y, Christina W, Stephanie P, Sadie H, Athiei D, Sofia L, Daniel J, Dionne A, Jewel Q)
Daniella is sometimes a iffy person to be around but other times she can be a very nice person to be around
by 6969bm December 19, 2019
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Daniella is one of the funniest person you will ever meet. She does pretty good in school and has some nice ass titties. Daniella is so thoughtful and isn’t selfish at all. She’s always there for people when they need it. She gives great advice to people but barley listens to others advice. Daniella is a type of person to not go for looks or money in a guy but, she goes for their personality. Daniella most likely has someone on her mind but at some point he becomes nothing. Daniella is a bad bitch that doesn’t need no ugly bitch to break her heart. Daniella could be a mix of things in a good way she could be a bad bitch, a kind person, a funny ass person, a thoughtful bitch, and the perfect person you can be friends with.
1. Who’s that bad bitch over there?
a) oh it’s Daniella
2. Damn who’s that perfect girl over their?
a) you kidding man, it’s Daniella
by rxchelnguyxn on ig July 22, 2020
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Daniellas are fragile and sweet. No one should ever let go of a Daniella cause they are the best girls in the world. Unlike others Daniella tries her hardest in everything that she does. She is very outgoing yet very shy when you just meet her. Daniellas always make sure people are having a good time and are having fun. Daniellas are the prettiest girls you will every meet. When you meet a Daniella hold on to her. She doubts herself and doesn't think she is perfect when she really is. Daniellas are unique and one of a kind. She is so insecure about how she looks so compliment her every time you see her. You will light up her day.
Boy 1: Omg is that Daniella
Boy 2: How did u know you are a new student.

Boy 1: Daniellas stand out like her.

Girl 1: Yea she is so kind.
Girl 2: I know right. Daniella is like a bestie to me.
by danny171817 October 31, 2019
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beautiful, stunning, very sweet and charming she/him
oh damn he’s cute…oh wait nvm it’s daniella zicota
by randomando89 August 10, 2021
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