Often used when something stupidly funny has happened or you died in a game and you don’t want to show your rage .

Also a god tier sound effect
Eg1:bruh you died again!!
Eg2:(hits knee)BRUH!
John:your mum fat
John jr :really,bruh
by BruhLad123 October 14, 2019
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Used when someone said or ask a stupid statement or question, and can be used in several circumstances.
Person: What color is the white house?

Me: Bruh
by November 9, 2020
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When your shock but not shock at the same time
I just jumped of a roof bruh
by That bruhh July 13, 2020
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Crush: Bruh

You: 🥺
by Buzzity February 28, 2021
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A different way of saying the word bro.
Also means to complete something in a fast way.
Bruh are you finished with the homework?
by Paul Wojick December 9, 2015
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