When defecating in a public restroom stall, after wiping one's anus, instead of dropping the soiled toilet paper into the toilet, it is tossed over the top of the stall into a neighboring stall occupied by the victim.
In the bathroom at work, I was taking a dump next to my annoying co-worker, so I decided to toss a stinky grenade onto him.
by TheRealArticle December 4, 2016
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The area connecting your nuts and arsehole. AKA the gooch, the weld and so on and so forth.
Her tongue got lost in the depths of my stinky bridge, it was not a journey for the faint hearted. I have just commenced a historic game of five aside, she saved me the shower.
by Hatfields Ho 1 January 22, 2018
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Damn, I was gonna get busy with Carol but her pussy was stinking something fierce. All that bud light made her a Stinky McDrinky.
by Huntybobunty March 18, 2019
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The hair grown in someones groin - getting doused in the sweat of the "ballsack".
Boy, mom has some stinky leghair.
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A south west of England saying, particularly in coastal regions. "Stinky fit" is a way of saying someone is really attractive.
"Did you see that girl that just walked past!? She was a 9!"

"Yeah man, she was stinky fit."
by sharkydave November 23, 2011
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When you purposely walk into a certain area or room to fart.
Hey bro, I'm going to go Stinky Malone over by Shelby.
by Highschool DxD November 20, 2017
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