Winner Circle relates to a popular trend on TikTok where females will show off their ass when the lyrics "thick" occur.
E Girl- I'm doing the winner circle trend

Other person- oh cool, you should do it because you are hella thicc
by neil deass tyson November 13, 2019
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When a large group of gay males form an anal train large enough to form a closed circle amongst all participants.
"Yo Elias, Happy New Year! Grab a group of your boys to do some poppers and form the Circle of Life at midnight."
by Wooden Pickle January 1, 2022
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Performing fellatio with 3 or more partners together in such a fashion that you create a circle. Or rather, 69ing with more than 2 people
We got the gang together for a lovely circle of life. We should do it weekly like book club. - Justin C (the originator)
by justin collier June 10, 2022
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When you get enough dudes to anal each other and connect so that you make a circle
What did you do with ur boys last night?”
“We did circle of life
“There were that many dudes? Wow.”
by Nosirzski123 March 14, 2021
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When you use a thin double sided dildo and shove it up someone's ass until it emerges from their mouth. From there push and pull in and out as if you are flossing.
by Rusa2607 March 26, 2021
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When five guys sit with their dicks out around one in the middle the one in the middle has a pocket pussy and places the pocket pussy on their dick and quickly lifts it and turns to the other guy and repeats this gets progressively faster until one cums and he's out this continues until everyone nuts who ever got out first has to drink the all of the cum out of the pocket pussy
I can't believe I lost to Michael last night when we played extreme circle jerk
by N69gaming September 20, 2022
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