A beautiful couple wo should date if they have not already I would last a very long time and if u see them it is very unfortunate to see them mad at each other
by Let’s go April 4, 2018
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What a fukin load. Cameron Clarke will knock your socks right off. He is the bees knees and has the biggest red rippin pepperoni. Be careful you might confuse him as a drugga but make no mistake he is a goddam fiend for life.
Holy shit! I think I just saw a Cameron Clarke. ****NUTS EVERYWHERE*****
by Carlton Jamerson March 8, 2017
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Cunt 1: wow Natalie and Cameron suck

Cunt 2: ye.
by Gamin October 9, 2022
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Doing a bump out of the divot between your thumb and forefinger. A hot new craze taking the Denver party scene by storm. Pioneered by the gaslight King of Denver, John Cameron.
I couldn't find a key or spoon so I resorted Cameroning my K in a dirty house at a rachet afters.
by Drew Peanoze May 2, 2022
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Cameron Sybesma is a pain in my ass who will be lonely forever because any girl he ever talks to friend-zones him...Cameron needs to learn what it means to take a hint.
Cameron Sybesma will forever be lonely and I have no doubt about this
by xxxxtoesxxx69420 March 3, 2022
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A wonderful kid that is loved so very much by so many and he doesn't even have a clue, a boy taken from his parents, but his mom never stop trying to find him or find a way to contact him. Because this young man is a healer who can put his mom's heart and sole back into her body! Because when she lost him she lost her self! I love you cam!
Cam it's your mom find me! I'm looking for you!
Cameron bushe I've been looking for you every day!

Cameron bushe loved from the moment he was known!
Cameron bushe I need you to come home! I love u so much I miss you! I need to know your ok!
by Cameron's momma October 13, 2023
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