

1. to disrupt or ruin an individual's or group's lunch (typically at a restaurant) by making an unexpected appearance and prolonged conversation

2. to join an individual's or group's lunch as a last-minute, uninvited guest that disrupts or ruins the lunch's original planned intent (such as a personal or work related matter that can no longer be discussed due to the uninvited guest's attendance)


1. an individual's or group's lunch that has been disrupted or ruined by an unexpected appearance and unwanted conversation by another individual or group, usually a person that one of the lunch attendees knows in another context (ex. a work related lunch that is disrupted by an old college friend)

2. an individual's or group's lunch that has been disrupted or ruined by an unexpected attendee
Sally lunch-bombed George and I today when we planned to talk about the most recent proposal.
by DB77 August 15, 2016
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its when you can't have a peaceful lunch, and instead you have an anxiety filled lunch, because you have to watch the store and there's no one else to watch it for you either because its busy or you're alone that day and you have to stop eating every time a customer walks up to your store.
"Oh sh** I'm hungry, please don't let there be too many customers during my retail lunch" 😞
by Young talk September 2, 2020
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The abolished word of picnic because "picnic" derived from slavery. Pic a nic, picnic, going to buy slaves.
Hey friends, no matter who you are, Black, White, Puerto Rican, African, Chinese! You ALL are welcome to our, "Lunch in a Park!
by 222WeLoveAll222 April 10, 2022
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When you take your significant other for a drive out in the country for car sex or road head over your lunch break. Caution: Be sure to bring along your Road Head Emergency Kit.
I was really in need of sex, so I took my GF out for a country lunch.
by JimTim June 23, 2015
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A lunch twin is when two friends are becoming best friends but don’t wanna date so they become more than friends and a lot less than a couple. So they become lunch twins and they scream at each other anywhere examples of this would be in face time calls ,middle school, and high school hallways.
LT1: hey have you seen my Lunch Twin??

Person: no?


by Markus Farker 96 March 5, 2018
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A group of individuals who spend a lot of time together; often bonding over meals. This can also be referred to as a friend group of some sort. The lunch gang is a concept based on the breakfast club. Members of the lunch gang are, in most cases, all children in a school or co-workers in an office setting. The lunch gang may often be envied for the special bond they have. Group friendships are very rare to come by and if you ever happen to have a friend group called the lunch gang you must be very lucky.

Being a part of a lunch gang involves making group plans together (often never going through with them), sharing or swapping lunches, having inside jokes that only the group understands and being extremely comfortable around each other. So much so that every member influences the rest in small ways and everyone learns from each other.

Members of a Lunch gang almost always find parallels to themselves and the F.R.I.E.N.D.S show that first aired in 1994.

The lunch gang often has bonds that date back to their childhoods and that makes it very special and is something they will never forget.
I want what they have. I want a friend group like The lunch gang
by Arnav69 November 29, 2021
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Some girl named Maddy that sucks at Nintendo switch especially golf and bowling.
by Vanos May 22, 2022
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