a term used to describe how cool something is using the word know for cool-dope and velcro which is cool it self
Man that is dope like velcro!
by foxy December 14, 2004
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1. A completely idiotic person that doesn't know any better.

2. A person that is so crazy sexy that they don't need to impress anyone, and can wear such things as velcro shoes.

3. An old asian man that needs to be told how terrible those shoes really are... I mean COME ON!!
What the hell did you do that for? You know most of the time your a complete velcro-shoes special.
by Tha dingo July 31, 2009
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A derogatory term for a black person, made to resemble the name of a bird. Used in Southern Africa.
See also: kaffir, zot, wog
That bastard velcro-crested wallet-snatcher could use some anti-perspirant.
by Porn_Flakes June 2, 2005
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the wylan van velcro cult is a groupchat created by a santaka on twt and is a gc full of 68 mentally ill teenagers who spend there free time obsessing over a gay man and books.
"oh no! the wylan van velcro cult is on my timeline again"
by EV3YLNHUGOS November 20, 2021
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Did you see those two girls velcroing last night? That shit was lit
by Devin sucks cock February 19, 2016
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When a woman uses a baby as a means to attach herself to a man

When a person attaches themselves to someone for their own professional or personal benefit.
That baby is a BABY not Flesh Velcro !
by The Norx May 30, 2018
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When a man has balls that constantly stick to their thighs and have to be ripped off like Velcro or a sticker.
I kept getting Velcro sack during my lecture, I swear it made a noise when I hat to pull it off.
by Memely_dayz December 5, 2021
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