An Anime stunt that involves doing a push-up with your pinky. Often used in more unknown animes’.
Guy 1: I’m ‘bouta do a one finger push-up. Guy 2: Impossible. Guy 1: AAAAAA (ow) and done. Guy 2: WHAAAAAT???
by ¿ Lunar ? May 20, 2023
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To like sb's comment on a social networking site such as Facebook.
"People constantly seek attention and validation through one-upping people's comments"
by MFRO June 19, 2017
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When your massive dong goes from a heads down to a heads up position, you gotta let that honey pie know you just got a one up.

Check to see if she wants that mushroom power-up
Damn horbino, yo cleavage just gave me a one up. Grab a wheelbarrow and help me transport this mushroom load to bitches in need of a mushroom tip infusion.
by Mushboom August 12, 2021
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To deliver a turd so large that you have to stand up off the pan in order to achieve maximum length.

To leave a turd standing up like a telegraph pole when you drop it.
‘Mate you were a long time in the toilet’
‘Yeah I’ve just stood one up, you should see it, it was magnificent
by mrbruceman December 13, 2022
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To be owed a favor or to be ahead of someone in something both parties have agreed to as a

Dude you beat me again you’re up one

I’m still up one on the favors you owe me bro
by Imagetry February 21, 2023
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a member of one up clan who hits all of his sniper shots until that one does miss
yo don!'t one up feenix a hunting rifle because he will clap you
by YTone_up_gamer October 28, 2020
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When someone uses someone else to be better than you without realizing it because they are a dumb-ass.
Indirectly one up-My friend terry uses his other friend to indirectly one- up me by telling me that she drives and paid for her own car because he's way more un-accomplished than me. He probably does it unintentionally but it pisses me off nevertheless.
by Dank_usagi February 18, 2019
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