A varatiaon of leet but more LEET then the original leet. Leet SKeet is higher then leet and is used to describe kick ass shit
such as a game or hardware or a person
" Man the new ATI card out is leet skeet"

"have you seen how leet skeet that dude is hes totally pwned me"
by Bone January 9, 2005
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The practice of substituting any number of letters or symbols for actual letters coupled with purposefully phonetically mis-spelling words while chatting in order to make your chat unreadable to all but the "elite," or, all the other dorks you are chatting with.
by Eric Seven September 29, 2004
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leet x 2= leet skeet

see leet for further info

super leet
leet x 2=leet skeet
headshot through wall/block + zero hacks= leet skeet
by Mr.L337 April 17, 2005
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A message making oneself appear superior than another human being via twitter.
"Look at his leet tweet, he just keeps bragging about how many follower he has."
by xkuay March 2, 2010
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A Keyboard depicted on a few posters, buttons and other things. It shows a keyboard with keys that say things like "lol" "rofl" "wtf" and other 'leet speak' terms.
Dude, cheak out this leet keyboard
by Kevalan February 27, 2007
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The most annoying thing one can do when typing. Very difficult to read as well. When one sees someone typing like that, they should be FLAMED WITHOUT MERCY.
1337 (LEET) kid:0 ^^ != G!!11!!! L01z2z!1!111111!!!!

Any sane person: Shut up. I don't know what that says. Typing like that is really annoying and if you don't stop I will flame you, bitch!
by Undercover Funny July 14, 2006
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