Used to describe someone who's got jazzy personality
by Kababtrash February 27, 2020
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Groovy, A charming and attractive guy with an amazing and bubbly personality. Every Person who ever encountered him always seems to be attached in some way. He’ll sing to your bitch and take her from you in an instant. PS. He also has a big dick.
by treelimbs November 25, 2021
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created in 2019 to illustrate all the groovy bitches out there
yo that dude is a groovy bitch!
by tomedome69 March 15, 2019
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groovy grooves on vinyl records, originally about music but is now all-round chill to be "in the groove"...
it's chill to be groovy
by sicOption May 6, 2017
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To be in the grove when your intimate
I love when we are groovy
by Abby cand June 1, 2017
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(Describing something, usually music but can be other things) something that is really cool and you generally vibe with
Bro 1: ayy this is a really groovy song who's the artist?
Bro 2: it's Queen (the best band ever, fight be bout it)
by Sarin221 April 19, 2022
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Adjective describing a type of person who doesn't want the rules to apply to them and expects other people to "be cool" and let them slide and do whatever they want. Usually someone with enough money to avoid working, yet they expect their friends with jobs to skip work or give them things.
I can't hang out with them, I am sick of them wanting me to let them smoke in my car and get them in free to concerts, plus they are always late and make me wait. They're too groovy for me, It's just getting old.
by teragramme May 6, 2022
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