A particularly dried dingleberry or buttnoid, often grafted firmly to the rimhairs surrounding the anus
Dave picked and picked at the bung crunchie until successfully removing it along with the majority of his rimhairs. He then skifted his friend, Will.
by Rondo August 30, 2006
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Mother who supports homebirth, breastfeeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, gentle discipline, etc. One who questions established medical authority; tends to be vegetarian and/or prepare all-organic foods. See crunchy and hippie.
That crunchy mama is breastfeeding in public again!
by KTD July 26, 2005
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An adjective describing persons or things relating to any or all of the following: vegetarianism; herbs; all-natural and organic products (such as food, skin and hair care products, etc.); recycling; protecting and preserving the environment; natural medicine; etc. People that are earthy-crunchy are sometimes called tree-huggers or hippies.
She loves to go to the health food store, where she buys all that earthy-crunchy stuff.

With that jewelry made of hemp and beads, I bet she's earthy-crunchy.
by Emmarini April 17, 2004
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Vaginal secretions that dries up on pubic hair and get crunchy.
When my girlfriend came home and took her pants and panties off and laid on the bed. I later went up and saw dried up cunt crunchies on her pubic hairs.
by Komodo Dragon April 17, 2009
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Someone or something that is unlikeable beyond limits. Or when something stops working/broken.
My teacher gone crunchy during class. The computer gone crunchy when the child was playing a game.
by The Big Data March 16, 2022
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A noun describing a particular type of lesbian who eats and/or feels like granola. They enjoy hiking with a trusty Trail Mix bar and long walks through the supermarket in search of granola. Not to be confused with a country lez (a red neck, flannel wearing, more butch lez)
I was shopping for vegan ice cream at Trader Joe's yesterday and spotted a crunchy lez deep in the granola aisle.

Miranda from Lizzy McGuire (aka Lezzy McGuire) is such a crunchy lez.
by Lezzylover122134 September 12, 2010
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