When you shave your pubes in the shape of a mustache and a girl gives you a blow job. You get a blow job and she gets a mustache ride. Inspired by the baddest ass in America.
Dude, I trimmed my pubes into the Newman. Gave my chick the best mustache ride of her life.
by Rex Butts August 9, 2018
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pretending to do work, also can be used to describe someone sneak around
Dude i pull a jamie newman and how i am promote to supervisor
by faking work February 1, 2016
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Based on the popular uk yoghurt frube in which the popular tag line rip there heads of and suck their guts out was a hit for some time they were small yoghurt pouches with tear off cartoon heads and strawberry yoghurt inside in the Newman’s frube instance refers to a girl with a killer body but an ugly face and in parallel to the frube slogan goes rip her head off and Fuck her guts out the implication being that if she didn’t have that face or head you’d be there .the covert word for using this is frube or Newman frube
Guy 1 : have you seen the as on that girl damn! Guy2: yeah I know but god that face what a newman frube
by Kdog quid June 28, 2019
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Amanda Newman is a wonderful person! If you ever meet Amanda Newman, make sure you become friends with her cause she is such a kind, caring, funny, BEAUTIFUL, Smart, and just an amazing person in general! love, Nya!!!

(she also has really great friends btw)
Amanda Newman defined means a Beautiful and amazing person!
by n.chung October 2, 2019
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Shiny glaze face after getting after It at the Y. Bonus for Krispy Cream flavored lube use.
He came out the bedroom with a glazed Newman after putting in 20 minutes at the Y.
by Kennysack79 November 24, 2021
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