here's how it works;
you're baked. you're rolling a couple of Js.
you do it over your ingredients tin because you don't want to drop any of your green.
you inevitably drop a bit because you're baked.
a few days later, you get your tin and you spot the little bits of green.
you pick the crafty little chunks up and stick 'em in a rolly.
you smoke that madman.
it saves your life.
degenerate stoner:
well hot damn, i'm all out of green. oh, no worries, i've got enough dropped green in my ingredients tin to roll a gypsy spliff and save my life. risspekk.
by thattwatcalledpixie. September 29, 2009
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a cannabis cigarette that is smoked early morning,(before 11) and preferably in your local park (providing cannabis is legal where you are),
if smoked this early it will set off the cannabis smoked the night before and provide a stupid dizzy feeling all morning till lunch.
a morning spliff is basically a wake and bake, but done early in the morning and ideally after a schleeps
by connorbag April 17, 2006
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a chick that will sleep with anyone as long as they supply spliffage.
Offer her a joint, dude, she's a total spliff whore.
by josh108 March 9, 2007
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The 'healthiest' type of marijuana joint. Herbal tobacco is used instead of regular cigarette or rolling tobacco, and the skin is rolled backroll style meaning less paper is inhaled.

Diet spliffs are also a good way of fooling yourself into believing that you're cutting down.
"I know smoking weed is bad, but it's ok because I only roll diet spliffs."
by Ian Bailey March 27, 2007
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"woah man, this is a fat spliff. i'm gonna google what we should do with this thing"
"just smoke it"
"yeah man just wait a second"
"you arent gonna find anything"
"wait ok. so i think we should smoke it."
by fatspliffs4lyfe November 28, 2013
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a cardboard toilet paper roll stuffed with dryer sheets. used to blow danky smoke into to conceal the smell and makes your room smell like dryer sheets instead of dank nuggets
hey man blow that into the hippie spliff, i dont want my room to smell dank
by smokeganjaratm November 5, 2008
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A toothpick spliff is a smaller than usual joint in circumference not in length.
I didnt have much pot left so all my joints are Toothpick Spliffs
by Raymond February 28, 2005
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