When putting, and you miss the Disc golf basket. (Completely)(Failed Putt)(Missed throw).
Hey, you really botched that throw.

He totally Botched throw and missed that Putt. Lol
by Mr.NorthxNorthWest January 31, 2021
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An old, obese and mean bitch.
I can't stand that botch, she is always complaining about everything!
by HorribleSenseOfHumor September 13, 2019
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When you want to install/create something but don't have the skill, time, or just don't care. So you use an ungodly amount of duct tape + the first thing your hands touch, with which you create something that even top scientists like Einstein wouldn't be able to explain and will make every engineer go into a primal rage.
Me: yo, so did you manage to get that truck horn into your Nissan Micra?
Friend: yea, I had to botch it in.
Me: Let's see how bad it is.
*Opens hood*
*Duct tape used to hold the horn motor, tube bent to fuck and the horn itself on the other side of the bumper. Loose wires everywhere. This creation would make even Satan feel fear*
by Norzka November 6, 2023
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to describe all the gals that are too fake to be called a bitch. (they’re botched)
what’s up botches

i hate my school it’s full of botches
by bigbotch October 31, 2019
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Botch is the highest form of debauchery that can be achieved in the physical universe. It is a day of unrestrained activities and drinking behaviors and it can only be achieved by going the absolute hardest at literally everything.
peep 1: Dude. You going to the Botch this year, right?
peep 2: Dude. Is that even a question? This year will be the ultimate year of debauchery.

peep 1: Dude, I know right?! As we always say, "if you didn't scare yourself...did you even botch?!"
peep 2: Dude. Totally. Btw it's BYOB. Don't be mad, but we spent all the beer money on an epic raft instead...botch or die, amirite?!
by IamGrum June 23, 2022
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