a dude who is a weird creature. he can sometimes be extremely weird and call you hitler if you make him angry. he also is a simp and can be insano moments.
"Imma Mustafa you up"
by mydudelikeydaddy904 June 27, 2022
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Mustafa is a funny guy, who has no filter. He is normally the funniest guy in the class. He's nickname in Musty.
Haha, who smashed Dhariya's computer? It was Mustafa!
by cJACKf July 25, 2022
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The ugliest kid in mid-school with a goofy ass.
by April 27, 2023
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Iemand die altijd saus praat. Nooit iets nuttigs te zeggen heeft. Doet alsof hij alles doet, maar in werkelijkheid geen reet uitvoert. Als Mustafa toch besluit om iets te doen, kan je ervan uitgaan dat zijn teamgenoten en hij 10 stappen achteruit gaan.
Hey , we komen al 10 dagen niet verder met onze werk. Wat ben je toch een Mustafa.
by peter alkmaar May 25, 2020
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Handsome enough to be the subject of legends an as smart as he is handsome. He easily uses his handsomeness or intelligence to steal girls. You can't win almost any race you enter with him.

There are great legends about the cock. It is said to be wrapped around his waist as a belt. the universal gravitational constant arose due to the weight of its balls.
- look right here boss is coming!!!
-(person facing back) m.., mustafa mert?
by weidskrty November 21, 2021
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short,but very sexy. Egyptian and is dating sara. makes all the girls cum with his sexy leg hair although he wants to shave it. he even makes all the karams cum.
hes so hot
must be ahmad mustafa
by notsaran October 24, 2019
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Litterally best friends. They dont know each other that long, but know the other so well. They got best friends pretty fast, but get along like they know each other for years!

Josie is kind of depressed all the time but when shes with Mustafa she felt the happiest she has ever been.
Litterally every conversation between Josie and Mustafa
Musti: Lol haha look at this meme

Josie: Do you know whats my fav colour
Musti: green ofc
Josie: how did you know, my boyfriend didnt even knew that

Josie: It's Monday
by i'll always love my cat November 21, 2021
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