Issa Monique- A Monique is an aunty who looks down on younger generations for using words like "lit" and "turn up".
Issa Monique is when someone of the older generation has a moment of hating on the cooler younger kids.
Aunt Monique: What the hell is lit?! Speak Proper English

22 Year Old: What's her problem?

Me: Issa Monique
by Issa vibe May 22, 2017
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A girl who seems really hot, but this is just due to the fact that she hangs out with ugly girls and compared to a regular girl is average.
That girl seems really hot, but it is just the Monique Factor
by JoeSanders November 19, 2010
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the uglyist , can sing good , but is either a whore or a slug , she will steal ur guy , and thinks she the best bitch
have u seen what monique done with alexander
by by thebitchwiturman March 20, 2018
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Wanking of a man over 80 to completion and getting a load of dust over your tits
Poor old bloke I had last night had the dirty Monique done to him
by Onlyfanshater January 28, 2021
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Monique Lisek is super beautiful, smart, skinny young girl that deserves that sweet boy and will lock everything together. all the boys watch her around school but shes just so untouchable. She is unique is an amazing way and all her friends love her.
dude 1: man that monique Lisek girl is FINNNE.

dude 2: no man monique Lisek mine
by supppermeddatoooba August 30, 2010
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A Beautiful women with an appetite for sex with older men and likes to have sexual dreams about big snakes coming out of men's trousers.
Person one : She is such a Monique Taylor in the sack.
Person two: really, she likes older men and has wet dreams ,how curious.
by Mr rex July 20, 2019
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Monique is a traditional name for a very beautiful young lady. She has the most amazing personality, so funny but out there at times. She can turn you from the worst of moods to being happy once again. Monique has the perfect body, so smooth and moth watering and the cutest smile and laugh you could come across. She is so easy to get along with and is loved by many. Any guy lucky enough to be with her needs to treat her right because she is a one of a kind, the most beautiful of all girls you will ever come across. The guy she is with at the moment is the luckiest guy in the world and will never leave her because she is the most important thing in his life and she makes him happier than he has ever been before and when he is with Monique he cant help but smile and stare at her beauty.

<3 <3 <3 Monique Alison Baker <3 <3 <3
beautiful perfect cutest Monique Alison Baker
by T.J.M January 10, 2012
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