The hottest worker Joe & The Juice has ever seen.
Customer: “Who’s that by the centrifuge?”
Till Captain: That’s Mariam
Customer: Hands over Amex Platinum
by Idontknowplshelp April 10, 2023
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An amazing and beautyful girl. She has got such beautyful eyes and pretty face that can only make u happy. Her sweetness is hidden under a layer of shyness. She makes u love her only by showing her smile. When she hugs u, you can only feel grateful with the life bc she is the cutest girl in the world. Very clever and stylish, she knows about every film made in the late 80´s and can sing every grunge song on the radio. She has got an huge an thicc booty and sexy boobs with a golden tan that covers her pure golden heart, like her tooth made of gold that illuminates the darkest corners in my life. She does very good chupaditas. She is amazing and very posser, you can´t describe her with words without crying. 10/10.
Joel: Hey, do you want to masturbate in my corridor?
Pablo: Sorry Joel, I love Mariam, maybe next Tuesday.
by lalio May 14, 2018
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Mariam is a horny mf. End of story.
yoo damn he’s fine

Mariam: oh yeah now i’m horny
by mamadaddymama November 22, 2021
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Mariam is a kind and fun person, she enjoys making jokes and talking about love. She has long blond hair with big brown eyes. She would be a loyal girlfriend, so if she’s yours don’t let her go.
Look it’s a Mariam, better catch her before she slips away……
by Anonymous.2610 November 22, 2021
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A brown haired girl with immense aggression towards others and tends to find a fight wherever she goes
also tends to faint alot
u fainted yesterday? you did a mariam
by noodle boyy November 23, 2021
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The most beautiful prettiest kindest loveliest nicest best cousin/person alive
by URBANNNNNFUNNH March 19, 2022
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The best most amazing prettiest loveliest nicest kindest gorgeous Cousin and person on this world
I love Mariam
by URBANNNNNFUNNH March 19, 2022
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