When you misspell or autocorrect F**ks up the the name of famed Jedi Master, Mace Windu from Star Wars, played by Snakes on a Plane star, Samuel L. Jackson.

Guy 1: Who is your favorite Jedi from Star Wars?

Guy 2: I really love Mace Windy, the one with the purple lightsaber, Samuel L Jackson plays him so well
Guy 1: Did you mean Mace Windu?
Guy 2: Darn you autocorrect
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1. An individual who is closely related to a species of monkey called the proboscis monkey. Mace Irvine is someone likely to have an extreme foot fetish. Not only that, a Mace Irvine can be seen on occasion using his beloved strap-on device on men.

2. Can also mean your Gay in conversation.
"He is such a Mace Irvine."
"Look! its a wild Mace Irvine!"
by Andrew Tate's Son "Ben?" February 16, 2023
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A newly created Empire originating in RHS, Richmond, B.C. Made up of several shady characters from a supposed History 12 class, they enact upon devious schemes involving time travel and dinosaurs.

Nap time is especially encouraged within the Empire, as well as collective dictatorship.
"Hey Johnny, did you get those groceries I asked you for?"

"Hellz no, I was attacked by a time traveling dinosaur from the Empire of Mace."

by Emperor Mace February 26, 2007
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Basicly making the word "yes" cool when talking to mates (Mace = Another word for mate)
Richie - Do you want some more vodka?
Richie - You are NUUUSERD!
Ed - Eahhhhhhh
by Ed Faulkner March 26, 2005
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When you take a metal rod and put it through a mayonnaise and freeze it and after that you take it out and it become a Mayonnaise Mace
by DingleEater November 28, 2022
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