1) brand of motorbike often ridden by bikie gangs, shared property for the whole gang to use as needed.

2) name of a dirty fuckteen skank, often ridden by bikie gangs. Shared property, to be abused as required.
1) hey, nice Harley. I'm gonna take it for a spin.

2) hey Harley looks pretty with your cum dripping off her forehead. I'm gonna fuck her hard. I love fucking a young slit with cum on her face. She loves it - it makes her feel useful.
by skumliterati March 12, 2015
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The faggiest fag bike cant go 40 miles with out breaking down
Wow did you see that kid on a bike smoke that harley
by truth girl July 17, 2016
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has the look of honesty when nessacary
loves paw patrol
his pumps out of rear end stink
cuter than anything
loves pepper pig
loves taking selfies
Harley is very funny,shows his inside,cute,annoying,menacing ,a look of honesty if nesssarily needed ,loves paw patrol,wind out of rear end stinks,cuter than anything ,loves hugs,cries when hasn't got own way and just love s playing with toys.
by dingdanglydongs#21 November 25, 2017
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annoying, dating a big boy thug, thic and it makes me mad
harley is dating big m
by koala kot April 1, 2019
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harley is the biggest snake going. don’t let a harley enter your life or it will end in tears trust me he is such a player but has nice eyes. he touches girls but let’s not bring that up. small peen.
“didn’t you hear? harley’s a pedo
by swaggiest123 December 8, 2019
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a ranga cunt who know one likes,dies his hair black to fit in.but all around a ranga.
dude harleys is a ranga yea i know.
by rory gever November 14, 2011
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