from the book of senses.

When a person that nobody wants to see shows up out of nowhere when these people hangout,he/she is called the flyinf dutchman.the flying dutchman also has the ability to ruin any plan made.
Amir:"yo so whats the deal,are we going or no?"

Nik:"no The Flying Dutchman (high times definition) ruined the plan"
by Nik Armi February 4, 2010
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when you perform this you will have reached the highest echelon of the sexual pantheon
Logan: Dude Brad just offered me a Double Reverse 69 Red-Rocket Double Flying Dutchman-Ghostrider and i really had to think about it...

Ryan: Holy shit I woulda said yes...
by dirttymike69 May 10, 2011
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The Dutchman's Curse is any sentence that starts with "It's just a matter of...", "It should be working...", or something similar, implying that it will take no time to complete at all, but in reality always turns into being a lot more work.
Supervisor - It's just a matter of copying that line of code into this file.

-- 5 hours later --
Employee - I'm still working on it since I had to rewrite the file to get that line of code to work. Stupid Dutchman's Curse.
by tilespace October 4, 2010
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A Sleepy Dutchman is a pioneer and propagator of the radical political movement known as ugalitarianism.
“He’s not woke, he’s a Sleepy Dutchman.”
by E.Lux November 21, 2019
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The momentary audible discomfort when a Dutchman is penetrated too quickly.
I got a little excited last night and Lars let out a loud involuntary Dutchman's Sigh before slipping into a state of pure, unadulterated extacy.
by Gymbag Darryl May 3, 2022
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A mix of Spanish Masting and Dutch Rudder, a lady puts her fingers inside and the man moves her arm to finger herself, while the woman moves the mans hand to mastrubate himself.
That Spanish Dutchman was fantastic
by Boastyboy September 15, 2011
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While searching for potential mates you aquire chloroform and forceably persuade a woman and or man into your creeper van making sure that they cannot identify you. Once they wake up they are in a cell in a basement where you price we to "rescue them". They will be so grateful that they will instantly fall in love with you allowing you to have them live with you and they are eternally grateful. However the love scene doesnt last long before you pose as someone else and kidnap them all over again. Then you rescue them again. Convincing them every time to go further into your fantasies. Until one night or day where its time to provide an end to the illusion. So while they are tied up, gagged, with pepto bismol all over them with the tens unit hooked up to their privates and 15 dildos poked in all their holes you decide to reveal to them that you are the perpetrator who keeps kidnapping them. Then while they are freaking out you seek out to calm them while fucking their asshole. If they do not call down after a few minutes you cut their throats and fuck them while they bleed out. They finally calm down after they are exsanguinated and you finish what you were doing.
by The calming dutchman August 18, 2020
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