A big white faggot, who likes to wank off boys and 80-year-old men. He thinks people like when in reality no one does. Damien looks like a retarded cloud fallen from the skies. He has no friends and is the biggest loser in the world.
Damien is a girl.
by Devon0999 April 8, 2019
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Damien’s are usually virgins. Damien’s get no hoes and when they try to the hoe says I don’t like 2 millimeter penises. Damien’s like to beat there cock approximently 10 times a day just because there lonely. Damien’s are most all gay and when there in school they will slap your ass and try to grab your cock in class and they will look under the stall to see your cock so you better watch out for a Damien
Hey Damien stop trying to grab my cock
by Damien’s November 26, 2018
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Damien the fat ginger red faced fuck head who everybody hates, he has the worst temper and he think he is the shit but in reality he is nothing but shit
Damien is the stupidest dumb red shit ever.
by Non of your bizz March 4, 2018
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he has a huge cock and will destory every girl he gets with
Person 1 : damien cock is huge
by BigDamoBlaze420 August 24, 2020
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Mainly used for the sexiest of guys with the best personality, humor and looks. The sweetest and most considerate of all guys who can also be very lazy but in a super cute way and knows how to be romantic. Plus loves you for you and is super intelligent knowing exactly what he wants.
person #1: omg hes so sexy
person #2: well duh hes a damiene

Damiene + Ria = <3
by Rii February 5, 2010
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He tends to get a lot of backlash for being so closed in but he's trying his best. Although not always as fit as the others, he's an amazing protector, and someone you can open up to. If he seems cold and uncaring, he's really not, just putting on an act. Also, a decent class clown, low-key. He is nice, cute, funny, good at guitar, and self conscious

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT anger Damien.
person 1: damien's pretty cute hey?
person 2: hes also nice, and loyal
by paper-clip-bros December 16, 2019
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