Ma Boa, ( Ma Boy-a) is commonly used to teach someone of their position. Slang used to put some in their place
Calm down Ma Boa, you're ass
by Prilex'WisdomWords August 29, 2023
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When a male gets a visible erection while flirting with a female, and it is noticeable by gawked spectators.
He had a Boa Constrictor while flirting with the chick in the corner.
by Joe's tongue October 17, 2017
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Taking your foreskin and stretching it over your friends head until he taps out.
Similar to a boa constrictor swallowing it’s pretty.
Wow Matt just got boa constrictored out
by Billbobagginsin September 2, 2021
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A nice Gorilla tag player that respects all the players. Is also a tiktoker that is growing.
boa vr is very nice
by Yesofthedefinitions April 15, 2022
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The alpha male of his group, usually with a smaller than average penis, but has a leadership personality…
Man look at that man-boa, he commands the respect he deserves
by Mattdamon33 September 12, 2021
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An Asian woman who exclusively dates white men.
Guy1: I think I want to ask Lihn on a date.
Guy2: Don’t do it bro, she’s a boa bunny. She only dates white guys!
by IronTank87 April 8, 2024
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Boa-kham, is a half Laotian half Vietnamese half hot as hell woman (or man). Don't let her fool you when she said she's from Japan !

As a well educated, self made and independant person, she don't need anyone to tie her shoelaces.

Some says she is very strict, but she have a big heart and her kindness has almost no limites.

She love Japan, but Japan doesn't love her because she almost destroyed the whole island with her extra large breast back in 1969 (godzilla).
'' Damn, I miss Boa-kham so much. I wish

she didn't die during WW3... ''

''We all have a little of boa kham inside us. '' Johnny Hallyday.
by Lefutur November 23, 2021
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