A name for crack-cocaine.
I don't care what you do with your money; as long as you're not buying that applejack crack.
by Lilibeth March 4, 2005
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someone so skinny their ass is nothin' stickin' out past their butt...
shoot, girl, you gotta eat somethin' you got nothin' but a back with a crack!
by deja2entendu May 4, 2006
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When looking for a clear bathroom stall, making accidental eye contact through the little crack between the door and the wall with the person inside the stall you are inspecting.
I had long-lasting crack contact with Sheila yesterday. It was awkward.
by buttslapper81 September 2, 2011
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A concoction of crack, ketamine, and the strongest moonshine in existence.
guy 1: yo dude have you tried the new crack blast
guy 2: yo due I was fucked up for weeks.
by GamerGod69420 December 11, 2020
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A word that shows how much cofidence you have. The term could also could be of egotistical. Another way of saying to people "he/she likes me a lot". Refered when talking about your self or someone else.
Britt: You Aint Nuffin Boy
Jus: Shoot you crazy. I'm like raw cocaine, put in a pot with water and soda and thrown on flames.
Britt: So
Jus:What came out was me, yes, Crack In Flesh, at its best.
by Jus2Quicke January 4, 2006
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Music that isn't actually all that good, but is addicting. Will often get stuck in your head for weeks.
"That Fergie song has been stuck in my head for the last three days. It's such musical crack."
by NKYS.23 November 20, 2009
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to talk for a short while whilst waiting on someone, to catch up on old times or to talk while waiting for the bus.
Hello mate havent seen you for a long time. fancy 5 crack
by Simon Dodd December 30, 2008
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