An unusually large or jurassic sized vagina.
While watching an " x-rated "movie, A closeup of the girls vagina revealed a watermelon inside it so large only a snatchasaurus Rex could swallow it..
by Adam210001charlie February 25, 2018
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Having a large penis that stretches out seemingly enlessly.
Jo has a wangasaurus rex.
by blagles May 1, 2015
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Like a cat on catnip, running around the house chasing and biting people, acting like a Crackadilian-Rex
by Emperor Black Mist March 1, 2023
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A Thot of the plus size stature.
A woman who has loose morals and has a huge hunger for food and sex. A Thotasourus Rex is not someone to share your bed room with she will leave grease stain and cheeto debris in your bed and your fridge empty
Damn dude Mike said he had Shandah over and she ain't up all the kids snacks and left a funk in his bed. Man I told Mike she was a thotasourus rex.
by SMOKIE13 August 30, 2018
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A female that devours all male genitalia in her path.
Are you crazy man she is a Cockasorus Rex, no male genitalia survives her jaws!!!!
by CrazyAsian27 October 29, 2015
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Related to the T-Rex, A vagina that is so massive, scary, and threatening... It will not only eat your penis and your entire body, but along with 50% of everything you own.
vrex Divorce vagina
“Did you hear that Carl is getting a divorce?”
“Not anymore, that cracka was gobbled up by a V Rex.”
by Hubblegotchu December 3, 2019
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