School Teacher: QUIET!!!!


Student's Friend: Yeah, school is stupid!!!!
by James M. November 30, 2005
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Concentration camp for children. Set up to teach people to become docile and obedient subjects of capitalism and the state. This is achieved through mind-numbing, attacks on individual identity, and various degrees of disguised terror, usually (but not always) concealed by a double-bind.

Often combined with indoctrination into dominant ideas and training in skills useful to bosses.
by annoyed anarchist May 3, 2004
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A place where I'm not allowed to wear my tee that says "Skool Sux" because although I am only exercising my rights as an american and using freedom of speech, the sentence is consdered vulgar and innapropiriate for school grounds, EVEN THOUGH every person in the school uses words like ****, ****, *****, and ******* daily.
School is a place where we write, read, learn, and sleep.
by Call-me-crazy-if-you-will September 10, 2003
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The one place on Earth that forces you to work and be in the same room with annoying assholes you can't stand, and take up and ruining your time by giving you homework and negative news to your parents. The only good thing about it is that is gives you an education for the real world and so you don't have to be with your annoying parents all the time.
If it wasn't for school I wouldn't be stuck with these annoying jerks for half of these six hours and then with this asshole teacher at the last hour who gives out referrals for no reason because she acts like she really hates kids. Screw this place.
by AdomC July 13, 2015
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"check out the lighting at this hell hole..."
"this isnt school, its hell with fluorescent lighting."
by ezza_babe May 16, 2005
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How fucking great, my teacher Ms. Contreras made me have to stay in at school longer.
by DomoTrimbleMLG April 26, 2017
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