by Bigdaddyofdick October 4, 2020
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Brian is a really athletic dork. He will be that type of person in BoyLove movies. He'd get shipped randomly and will get made fun of. People who crushes him mainly crushes him for his funny and lovable personality. I might get this wrong, but Brian is usually wearing glasses, he is slim and plays sports really well. He will crush a certain girl and never give her up.
A: Hey, he's really good at sports. So he's definetly a Brian.
B: Yeah! That guy is a Brian.
by sarahbobbington December 1, 2022
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A beta male who can't handle jokes and abuses his discord mod powers. A simple but complex individual who loves pickles and cheese.
Person 1: Brian, I love that shirt is that Pickle Rick?

Brian: Nah, its pickles and cheese
by A yogurt yogurt male March 7, 2023
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The biggest cock wielding man to ever grace the earth, the brexit geezer is 6,8ft on a bad day and 7,0ft when using his cock to stand.
by Brians cock November 14, 2022
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The most handsome man you know and have a very big dick
Jessica: Hey have you seen Brian?
Ana: Yeah he is so hot and has a big dick
by Jordan1457247 November 27, 2021
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A name used for birth

He’s 7/10 black African American and slays the biggest cock on earth 9/10 and 9/10 skinny

The name Brian usually puts fear in other people with that encounter the names of Malik or William or Daryl
by doctor appointment November 22, 2021
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9/10 will put fear in the heart of names that he encounters such as Malik,Anthony , and William or Abraham

Usually people with the names Brian are fighters and like too bring up there record on how many fights they have won

Brian 9/10 has had sexual intercourse with the girl you’ve been chasing for years but also has a good heart and you can depend on him when It’s time to do a drill
Brian is just that n*gga💪🏾
by doctor appointment November 22, 2021
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