1)One who possesses the traits that enable him or her to converse with anybody
2)The opposite of NoeL
3)The opposite of telling a lady at McDonalds that you aren't loyal to me
by Chris g December 28, 2005
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A Racist Slur Use By Acosta To Make Matthews, And Williams Mad.
Acosta: You people need to quiet down
Williams:OHHHHHHH Shit
by Jroc Tha Kidd May 8, 2008
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people who tilt their heads to the side, smile with their chin prochuding, stick their elbows out and frontward, hunch their backs, and bend their hands back. They say things like, "i like to brick" and "Me licky tee brokee" and "Mo locus to brokus". Their names are Deeho, Deeha, Coohar, and Sean.
Adam Sandler does a great scary people in the movie Airheads.
by Coohar December 2, 2006
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People who dont have much of a life or hobbies beyond sitting and watching tge mediocre offerings of Netflix or similar streaming service. They usually place great importance on having caught up with tge latest 'Box sets'.
These people can be from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds but have certain things in common; they are generally liberal or whatever the celebrities think, don't own many books and usually start sentences with 'so'.

Also known as Epsilons .
Moron: 'Ive just rewatched Breaking Bad, Prison Break and catching up on Westworld and The Crown.'
Me: *closing book* 'ahh, you must be one of those Netflix People'.
by Klaatu's Nikto January 4, 2021
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Someone who uses literal human body’s to create art
People artist: My newest masterpiece!
by Enderstorm10 April 27, 2020
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Another way of calling someone stupid. They usually act fake depressed and dress idiotically, and they even start unessisary arguments. They are even hard to reason with, as they come back with stupid arguments.
1. Aesthetic people are so fucking stupid
2. How the hell do I even reason with aesthetic people smh
3. Roblox aesthetic people are the bane of my existence
4. Aesthetic people need to shut up with their fake depressed copypastas in their instagram stories
by s0m3 6uy December 1, 2020
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