When someone who is infected with discord disease passes the infection to multiple people in the voice chat
Omg Bernard passed his discord disease to the whole server now everyone has discorditis!

The discorditis makes everyone sound like robots!
by Nickiminajisthequeen May 24, 2021
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It's the step below the friend zone, that is fortified when said person tries to impress you with a PLC. Such a person also failed the Edwards Test three times by not studying how to tie a noose the night before the exam.
Hey, if you keep telling me how I need to take a course in getting bitches, I'll demote you to discord friend.
by ejmck123 May 21, 2020
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A absolute shitfest where people with less than 2 brain cells gather. It’s become more and more of a clusterfuck more than a actually chat.
The AR12Gaming discord server general chat is somewhere you should avoid, to keep you brain cells and IQ safe from random shit.
by PlainDelight February 23, 2020
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The day where Mods have no power and can’t warn anybody for the day on December 11th
by Abiss467 December 11, 2020
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Discord Member Day Happens at April 1st, in that day all members are allowed to break the rules without facing any consequences either it's a ban or a kick, etc...
by XTale!Frisk January 31, 2021
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December The 11th is where discord anarchy hour begins. where for an hour straight people can cause total anarchy in the discord server for only 1 hour at december 11th . The only thing that mods are allowed to do in discord anarchy hour is to join the anarchy or stay in thier mod only channels for shelter.
"Hey did you hear about Discord Anarchy Hour? i heard its on december 11th" said Joe. "Yeah fuck discord mod day, Now its time for Discord Anarchy Hour" Said James
by DiscordModHater69 December 10, 2020
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When you're having a conversation with someone in a crowded Discord channel, so you have to send pings to each other for every message
"I was having a round of Discord Ping-Pong with my friend today. It was really fun."
by TheMartinezRocket January 27, 2021
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