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Person1: Hey whats your talent?
Person2: Penis eater 200
by Penis eater 200 January 25, 2022
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Someone who has a weird obsession with eating things that a not food such as thumb and other stuff of that matter
Friend: ew why is your brother trying to eat that cup?

Friend 2: I don’t know he’s such a thumb eater
by Yeety yacht January 1, 2021
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Fat southerner who enjoys biscuits and being lazy
Some of us are competitive unlike these fucking pie eaters
by Shefuckedme June 18, 2020
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Pie eater, That big fat cu*t is at the pie shop again. eating all the pies, leaves none for no one that fat cu*t
by Big ho55 April 9, 2020
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The most vicious, savage human being on earth. Being a Pie Eater is a sin, it is recommended that one does not become a pie eater in this day and age
Oh! Toby from Edinburgh? Yeah hes definitely a Pie Eater, I wouldn't go near him
by Macgyver January 19, 2019
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Where you poop in a girl’s mouth while having sex
When we where having sex I pulled out the Dixieland dirt eater
by A Dixieland dirt eater April 27, 2022
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