Smile it's the thing that makes you happy everyday of your life,when you smile you get happy immediately.Smile is a feeling that you get when something makes you happy and you wanna show it to people.
by Ashley QTπ February 12, 2019
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It‘s the smile in your face after your gym session.
Leroy: dafuq? y u smiling that much?
Gym guy: I was at the gym today. It‘s the goddamn after gym smile.
Leroy: okay got it.
by U5eriou5 September 19, 2019
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Usually someone who likes music, espically Duke Special.

Usually found in Belfast City Centre.
"Dil Smiles"
"I Want To Eat Her Heart"
by duke12345ab October 5, 2008
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Rotate a smile 90/270 degrees and you'll see what I mean.
Sideways smile ≠ vagina/cunt/pussy/whatever-the-frick
by TidePodIngebrigtsen69 March 31, 2017
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A smile many white people do, especially in photos. Characterized by no emotion in the eyes, your eyebrows either slightly raised or furrowed, and heavily showing your upper teeth, with your mouth slightly open. A really awkward smile
"Dude your mom has such a white people smile in all the pictures of her!"
by S1mple-tech August 22, 2023
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To form one's features into a submissive, “nice guy”, or harmless expression, typically with the mouth open and the front teeth exposed.
Look at Kyle’s new Instagram post, total beta male smile.
by Messy Jurphe September 4, 2023
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The residue from the beverage kool aid. Due to it's high food dye content. The stain pattern typically resembles the rim of a glass cup, which is the traditionally the vessel of consumption. This mostly effects children raising the glass higher and exposing more of their face to the dyes.
by Rinaldi1337 November 29, 2020
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