An individual who is so obsessed with computing devices that their own thoughts, words, and actions embody the love a tree hugger also has for trees.
"Hey, I just got legally married to my GeForce RTX 3070!" "Dudebro, you're SUCH a monitor hugger."
by stomachbrougham February 1, 2021
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(1)the act of being in shit fear of the loss of tit, to the extent that one legislates secret organizations that become common knowledge but still retain the desirable anonymity to deeper scrutiny/scewtiny.

(2) the need to keep an unbelievable amount of focus on a guests hands due to their notoriety for palming collectibles, and pilfer-y.

(3) the act of looking back and forth between the screen and keyboard as a result of unprofessional typing skills.

(4) paranoia over the general public's private affairs, marked by the epic decision to appropriate through immoral yet legislated and legally sanctioned activities that include. the use of internet stalkery, facial-Geo-tracing , and by a considerable and unrealistic expense of public funds that must be borrowed. tactical proceedural planning with intent to procure home invasion skill and experience to cause discovery of peoples private affairs and produce, indite, to lengthy and ultimately ruining proceedings, that socially shame-rape individual people who might have acquired something or any quantity of possessions without subjecting themselves to 30 percent deprivation of award, for state funding , generate revenue and state-tistics that further the gravity of their paranoia.
(5) the collection of peoples private info and interests in the form of bytes on servers that no one realized were in Russia, by federal entities, and law enforcement of immoral appropriation tactics.
digital monitoring by the state has become the general form of government racketeering

-Man1- The drones have been circling today! We cant be doin this with the curtains open Man!

-Man2- "Shut the fuck up Dildoe that shit ai'nt real! why would they waist theyz gas when they watching you right now through my huge ass Samsung tv and your peter-beater? PPPPsh . brush up on digital monitoring ......your trippin Twerp load that fucker, and give me back my torch...
by docta-tweAKA the freedom seekA December 16, 2018
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The fucking asshole who camps in the left lane on the highway going under the speed limit and refuses to move. They think they are cops but are in reality just regular retards driving regular cars trying to fuck up the flow of traffic, cause accidents/pileups, and ruin every other drivers commute home. They especially love to come out when you are late getting somewhere like a doctors appointment or a court appearance for jury duty.
Oh cmon another fucking hall monitor in the left lane, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY YOU SWALLOWED CUM DUMPSTER
by Ayeskipp July 12, 2023
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The office bitch who practically forces co-workers to go home if they show the slightest bit of "illness".
Jimmy Joe finally went home after the Swine Flu Monitor harrassed him for an hour after he sneezed.
by idolatro15 September 28, 2009
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It's a gps, whatever,

if someone is using it on u find emp gun, or magnet. locate chip on stalker.
Neural Remote Monitoring
by MineOwedWu's July 28, 2021
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When someone spends all of their time in front of their screen, and never gets out into the real world
Friend 1: Hey, where's Derick?
Friend 2: Derick decided he wanted to stay home and work on his monitor tan.
by Lawdog606 March 10, 2023
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